Archive: fiscal administration
JOIN PENTACLE’S TEAM OF IMPACTFUL ARTS ADMINISTRATORS Seeking two full-time staff people to fill the roles of Fiscal Administrative Associate and Fiscal Sponsorship Associate. Pentacle works closely with performing artists and arts organizations in the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. We are looking for NYC-based individuals who… Read the full story
August 9, 2022
JOIN PENTACLE’S TEAM OF IMPACTFUL ARTS ADMINISTRATORS Seeking two full-time staff people to fill the roles of Fiscal Associate and Administrative Associate. About Pentacle Pentacle’s mission is to design and provide unique and robust programs of support for performing artists at critical… Read the full story
May 25, 2022
Pentacle is excited to announce the launch of its new program called Working Sessions. The program will launch the first Working Session with Pentacle’s Fiscal Administrators. In addition to Fiscal Administration & Fiscal Sponsorship, artists will now be able to receive unique & personalized fiscal support. Working Sessions… Read the full story
November 17, 2015