
Archive: Fiscal

Employment Opportunity: Fiscal Associate

JOIN PENTACLE’S TEAM OF IMPACTFUL ARTS ADMINISTRATORS Seeking one full-time staff person to fill the role of Fiscal Associate. Interested applicants must apply before June 15th, 2023. About Pentacle: Pentacle’s mission is to design and provide unique and robust programs of support for… Read the full story

May 17, 2023

Pentacle Updates: Newsletter #14

Free Membership to the Administrative Support Program Three New York City artists will receive 1 year of Administrative Support and 5 hours of Financial Urgent Care–for FREE! Apply before 11:59pm ET on Wednesday, June 15th. Am I eligible? Tell me… Read the full story

June 6, 2022

Pentacle Updates: Newsletter #13

Talk to our Executive Director every Wednesday Do you have questions about running an artistic entity? Executive Director Clarissa Soto Josephs is offering FREE 30-minute consultations to answer questions about creative business practices in the arts. Artists can reserve time on Clarissa’s calendar to chat one-on-one via nextSteps… Read the full story

March 3, 2022

Pentacle Updates: Newsletter #12

Pentacle’s Fiscal Administration Services – What’s In It For You? Pentacle’s Fiscal Administration Services provide artists and companies with customized and comprehensive bookkeeping services for a strong financial base. Companies work exclusively with a dedicated administrator who handles all of the time-consuming and complex fiscal tasks behind the art. What’s Included:… Read the full story

October 28, 2021